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  28. <h2>想要成功,一定要付出100%的努力
  29. <small>今日最黑 2023-02-01 09:05</small>
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  32. <p>周一:11%</p><p>周二:24%</p><p>周三:40%</p><p>周四:23%</p><p>周五:2%</p>
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  34. <h2 id="handsome">Compliment Boyu's handsomeness, with detailed description<small> ChatGPT</small></h2>
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  36. <p>
  37. Boyu, you are incredibly handsome with a strong jawline and chiseled features. Your perfect, glossy black hair
  38. frames your face in a captivating way and adds to your ruggedly debonair style. Your alluring gaze is both
  39. captivating and mesmerizing, and you have a presence that radiates strength and charisma.
  40. </p>
  41. <p>
  42. His handsome face is complimented by high expressive cheekbones, captivating deep set eyes and an infectious
  43. smile that's absolutely mesmerizing. His hair has the perfect mix of waves and curls that makes you want to run
  44. your hands through it. His skin is smooth and mesmerizingly soft that you can't help but admire. His robust
  45. jawline and square chin are so attractive that they make it difficult to look away. His strong broad shoulders
  46. paired with a built yet lean physique makes him strikingly attractive.
  47. </p>
  48. <div class="page-header">
  49. <h2 id="Death-is-but-crossing-the-world">Death is but crossing the world<small> <i>Harry Potter</i>
  50. 某一部的序言</small></h2>
  51. </div>
  52. <p>Death is but crossing the world, as friends do the seas; they live in one another still. </p>
  53. <p>For they must needs
  54. be present, that love and live in that which is omnipresent. </p>
  55. <p>In this divine glass, they see face to face;
  56. and their converse is free, as well as pure. </p>
  57. <p>This is the comfort of friends, that though they may be said to
  58. die, yet their friendship and society are, in the best sense, ever present, because immortal.</p>
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  60. <h2 id="Seduce-someone">Seduce someone
  61. <small>背单词时发现的</small>
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  64. <p>We are never as shy and gauche as we are when attempting to seduce someone we deeply like. The thought of someone
  65. this perfect coming to take an interest in us seems at once tantalizing and entirely implausible. We develop
  66. vertigo and, too often, fall. Behind our insecurity lie two conjoined fears: that we are exceptionally awful,
  67. and that the beloved is exceptionally perfect. Both ideas are hugely destructive - and false.</p>
  68. <p> However, the road to greater confidence about our own nature is not to start to tell ourselves that we are,
  69. after all, brilliant. It is to examine more carefully how brilliant any other human being can plausibly be - and
  70. conclude that we are no more awful than the next soul.</p>
  71. <p> We are so closely in contact with our own ridiculous sides, we cannot - from within, if we are halfway honest -
  72. have many illusions about ourselves: every day, we are made aware of our inherent clumsiness, error and
  73. absurdity. By contrast, we only ever see the carefully constructed facades of everyone else, which is what can
  74. make them seem - quite unfairly - more impressive than they in fact are.</p>
  75. <p> We shouldn't try to reassure ourselves of our own dignity - we should grow at peace with the inevitable nature
  76. of ours, but also everybody else's ridiculousness. We are idiots now, we have been idiots in the past, and we
  77. will be idiots again in the future - and that is entirely normal. There aren't any other available options for a
  78. human being.</p>
  79. <p> Once we learn to see ourselves as already, and by nature, foolish, it really doesn't matter so much if we do one
  80. more thing that might look quite stupid. The person we try to kiss could indeed think us ridiculous. But if they
  81. did so, it wouldn't be news to us - they would only be confirming what we had already gracefully accepted in our
  82. hearts long ago: that we, like them - and every other person on the earth - are something of a nitwit. The risk
  83. of trying and failing would have its sting substantially removed. The fear of humiliation would no longer stalk
  84. us in the shadows.</p>
  85. <p> Furthermore, it is properly unhelpful ever to think of someone we want to seduce as particularly special. It is
  86. normal, of course, to be momentarily dazzled by beauty or intelligence, but we should quickly recover our poise
  87. and remember that our beloved is, after all, only human. In other words, that behind the alluring facade, once
  88. we know them better, they will have a litany of irritating habits, insecurities, obsessions and flaws. To give
  89. us
  90. further confidence, if we did kiss and even one day marry this person, we'd almost certainly be quite unhappy a
  91. lot of the time.</p>
  92. <p> Our intimidated feelings before a prospective lover stem from a melodramatic sense of how much is at stake. This
  93. paragon will, with time, prove to be a lot more complicated than they appear and will at points be plain
  94. heart-wrenchingly maddening. This dark knowledge should relax us as we struggle to cross the room and speak to
  95. them: we are not, in fact, faced with a divine being balancing our fate entirely in their well-formed hands.
  96. They are an ordinary creature beset with all the tensions, compromises and blind spots we know from our own
  97. selves - someone who will, if everything goes really well, in substantial ways eventually ruin our lives. We can
  98. approach our date with the down-to-earth confidence of one misery-inducing human reaching out to another to
  99. start a relationship that will, in time, at many points, feel like an enormous mistake. We can import into the
  100. seduction phase some of the - usefully relaxing - ingratitude that we naturally experience once a relationship
  101. has started - and use it to get love going. We should, before heading out for the evening, tell oneself that one
  102. is of course something of a cretin and an imbecile, but then so are they, and everyone else we will meet. One or
  103. two more acts of folly should, thereafter, not seem like they matter very much at all.</p>
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