// // Request.swift // // Copyright (c) 2014 Alamofire Software Foundation (http://alamofire.org/) // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal // in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights // to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell // copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in // all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, // OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN // THE SOFTWARE. // import Foundation /// A type that can inspect and optionally adapt a `URLRequest` in some manner if necessary. public protocol RequestAdapter { /// Inspects and adapts the specified `URLRequest` in some manner if necessary and returns the result. /// /// - parameter urlRequest: The URL request to adapt. /// /// - throws: An `Error` if the adaptation encounters an error. /// /// - returns: The adapted `URLRequest`. func adapt(_ urlRequest: URLRequest) throws -> URLRequest } // MARK: - /// A closure executed when the `RequestRetrier` determines whether a `Request` should be retried or not. public typealias RequestRetryCompletion = (_ shouldRetry: Bool, _ timeDelay: TimeInterval) -> Void /// A type that determines whether a request should be retried after being executed by the specified session manager /// and encountering an error. public protocol RequestRetrier { /// Determines whether the `Request` should be retried by calling the `completion` closure. /// /// This operation is fully asynchronous. Any amount of time can be taken to determine whether the request needs /// to be retried. The one requirement is that the completion closure is called to ensure the request is properly /// cleaned up after. /// /// - parameter manager: The session manager the request was executed on. /// - parameter request: The request that failed due to the encountered error. /// - parameter error: The error encountered when executing the request. /// - parameter completion: The completion closure to be executed when retry decision has been determined. func should(_ manager: SessionManager, retry request: Request, with error: Error, completion: @escaping RequestRetryCompletion) } // MARK: - protocol TaskConvertible { func task(session: URLSession, adapter: RequestAdapter?, queue: DispatchQueue) throws -> URLSessionTask } /// A dictionary of headers to apply to a `URLRequest`. public typealias HTTPHeaders = [String: String] // MARK: - /// Responsible for sending a request and receiving the response and associated data from the server, as well as /// managing its underlying `URLSessionTask`. open class Request { // MARK: Helper Types /// A closure executed when monitoring upload or download progress of a request. public typealias ProgressHandler = (Progress) -> Void enum RequestTask { case data(TaskConvertible?, URLSessionTask?) case download(TaskConvertible?, URLSessionTask?) case upload(TaskConvertible?, URLSessionTask?) case stream(TaskConvertible?, URLSessionTask?) } // MARK: Properties /// The delegate for the underlying task. open internal(set) var delegate: TaskDelegate { get { taskDelegateLock.lock() ; defer { taskDelegateLock.unlock() } return taskDelegate } set { taskDelegateLock.lock() ; defer { taskDelegateLock.unlock() } taskDelegate = newValue } } /// The underlying task. open var task: URLSessionTask? { return delegate.task } /// The session belonging to the underlying task. public let session: URLSession /// The request sent or to be sent to the server. open var request: URLRequest? { return task?.originalRequest } /// The response received from the server, if any. open var response: HTTPURLResponse? { return task?.response as? HTTPURLResponse } /// The number of times the request has been retried. open internal(set) var retryCount: UInt = 0 let originalTask: TaskConvertible? var startTime: CFAbsoluteTime? var endTime: CFAbsoluteTime? var validations: [() -> Void] = [] private var taskDelegate: TaskDelegate private var taskDelegateLock = NSLock() // MARK: Lifecycle init(session: URLSession, requestTask: RequestTask, error: Error? = nil) { self.session = session switch requestTask { case .data(let originalTask, let task): taskDelegate = DataTaskDelegate(task: task) self.originalTask = originalTask case .download(let originalTask, let task): taskDelegate = DownloadTaskDelegate(task: task) self.originalTask = originalTask case .upload(let originalTask, let task): taskDelegate = UploadTaskDelegate(task: task) self.originalTask = originalTask case .stream(let originalTask, let task): taskDelegate = TaskDelegate(task: task) self.originalTask = originalTask } delegate.error = error delegate.queue.addOperation { self.endTime = CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent() } } // MARK: Authentication /// Associates an HTTP Basic credential with the request. /// /// - parameter user: The user. /// - parameter password: The password. /// - parameter persistence: The URL credential persistence. `.ForSession` by default. /// /// - returns: The request. @discardableResult open func authenticate( user: String, password: String, persistence: URLCredential.Persistence = .forSession) -> Self { let credential = URLCredential(user: user, password: password, persistence: persistence) return authenticate(usingCredential: credential) } /// Associates a specified credential with the request. /// /// - parameter credential: The credential. /// /// - returns: The request. @discardableResult open func authenticate(usingCredential credential: URLCredential) -> Self { delegate.credential = credential return self } /// Returns a base64 encoded basic authentication credential as an authorization header tuple. /// /// - parameter user: The user. /// - parameter password: The password. /// /// - returns: A tuple with Authorization header and credential value if encoding succeeds, `nil` otherwise. open class func authorizationHeader(user: String, password: String) -> (key: String, value: String)? { guard let data = "\(user):\(password)".data(using: .utf8) else { return nil } let credential = data.base64EncodedString(options: []) return (key: "Authorization", value: "Basic \(credential)") } // MARK: State /// Resumes the request. open func resume() { guard let task = task else { delegate.queue.isSuspended = false ; return } if startTime == nil { startTime = CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent() } task.resume() NotificationCenter.default.post( name: Notification.Name.Task.DidResume, object: self, userInfo: [Notification.Key.Task: task] ) } /// Suspends the request. open func suspend() { guard let task = task else { return } task.suspend() NotificationCenter.default.post( name: Notification.Name.Task.DidSuspend, object: self, userInfo: [Notification.Key.Task: task] ) } /// Cancels the request. open func cancel() { guard let task = task else { return } task.cancel() NotificationCenter.default.post( name: Notification.Name.Task.DidCancel, object: self, userInfo: [Notification.Key.Task: task] ) } } // MARK: - CustomStringConvertible extension Request: CustomStringConvertible { /// The textual representation used when written to an output stream, which includes the HTTP method and URL, as /// well as the response status code if a response has been received. public var description: String { var components: [String] = [] if let HTTPMethod = request?.httpMethod { components.append(HTTPMethod) } if let urlString = request?.url?.absoluteString { components.append(urlString) } if let response = response { components.append("(\(response.statusCode))") } return components.joined(separator: " ") } } // MARK: - CustomDebugStringConvertible extension Request: CustomDebugStringConvertible { /// The textual representation used when written to an output stream, in the form of a cURL command. public var debugDescription: String { return cURLRepresentation() } func cURLRepresentation() -> String { var components = ["$ curl -v"] guard let request = self.request, let url = request.url, let host = url.host else { return "$ curl command could not be created" } if let httpMethod = request.httpMethod, httpMethod != "GET" { components.append("-X \(httpMethod)") } if let credentialStorage = self.session.configuration.urlCredentialStorage { let protectionSpace = URLProtectionSpace( host: host, port: url.port ?? 0, protocol: url.scheme, realm: host, authenticationMethod: NSURLAuthenticationMethodHTTPBasic ) if let credentials = credentialStorage.credentials(for: protectionSpace)?.values { for credential in credentials { guard let user = credential.user, let password = credential.password else { continue } components.append("-u \(user):\(password)") } } else { if let credential = delegate.credential, let user = credential.user, let password = credential.password { components.append("-u \(user):\(password)") } } } if session.configuration.httpShouldSetCookies { if let cookieStorage = session.configuration.httpCookieStorage, let cookies = cookieStorage.cookies(for: url), !cookies.isEmpty { let string = cookies.reduce("") { $0 + "\($1.name)=\($1.value);" } #if swift(>=3.2) components.append("-b \"\(string[.. URLSessionTask { do { let urlRequest = try self.urlRequest.adapt(using: adapter) return queue.sync { session.dataTask(with: urlRequest) } } catch { throw AdaptError(error: error) } } } // MARK: Properties /// The request sent or to be sent to the server. open override var request: URLRequest? { if let request = super.request { return request } if let requestable = originalTask as? Requestable { return requestable.urlRequest } return nil } /// The progress of fetching the response data from the server for the request. open var progress: Progress { return dataDelegate.progress } var dataDelegate: DataTaskDelegate { return delegate as! DataTaskDelegate } // MARK: Stream /// Sets a closure to be called periodically during the lifecycle of the request as data is read from the server. /// /// This closure returns the bytes most recently received from the server, not including data from previous calls. /// If this closure is set, data will only be available within this closure, and will not be saved elsewhere. It is /// also important to note that the server data in any `Response` object will be `nil`. /// /// - parameter closure: The code to be executed periodically during the lifecycle of the request. /// /// - returns: The request. @discardableResult open func stream(closure: ((Data) -> Void)? = nil) -> Self { dataDelegate.dataStream = closure return self } // MARK: Progress /// Sets a closure to be called periodically during the lifecycle of the `Request` as data is read from the server. /// /// - parameter queue: The dispatch queue to execute the closure on. /// - parameter closure: The code to be executed periodically as data is read from the server. /// /// - returns: The request. @discardableResult open func downloadProgress(queue: DispatchQueue = DispatchQueue.main, closure: @escaping ProgressHandler) -> Self { dataDelegate.progressHandler = (closure, queue) return self } } // MARK: - /// Specific type of `Request` that manages an underlying `URLSessionDownloadTask`. open class DownloadRequest: Request { // MARK: Helper Types /// A collection of options to be executed prior to moving a downloaded file from the temporary URL to the /// destination URL. public struct DownloadOptions: OptionSet { /// Returns the raw bitmask value of the option and satisfies the `RawRepresentable` protocol. public let rawValue: UInt /// A `DownloadOptions` flag that creates intermediate directories for the destination URL if specified. public static let createIntermediateDirectories = DownloadOptions(rawValue: 1 << 0) /// A `DownloadOptions` flag that removes a previous file from the destination URL if specified. public static let removePreviousFile = DownloadOptions(rawValue: 1 << 1) /// Creates a `DownloadFileDestinationOptions` instance with the specified raw value. /// /// - parameter rawValue: The raw bitmask value for the option. /// /// - returns: A new log level instance. public init(rawValue: UInt) { self.rawValue = rawValue } } /// A closure executed once a download request has successfully completed in order to determine where to move the /// temporary file written to during the download process. The closure takes two arguments: the temporary file URL /// and the URL response, and returns a two arguments: the file URL where the temporary file should be moved and /// the options defining how the file should be moved. public typealias DownloadFileDestination = ( _ temporaryURL: URL, _ response: HTTPURLResponse) -> (destinationURL: URL, options: DownloadOptions) enum Downloadable: TaskConvertible { case request(URLRequest) case resumeData(Data) func task(session: URLSession, adapter: RequestAdapter?, queue: DispatchQueue) throws -> URLSessionTask { do { let task: URLSessionTask switch self { case let .request(urlRequest): let urlRequest = try urlRequest.adapt(using: adapter) task = queue.sync { session.downloadTask(with: urlRequest) } case let .resumeData(resumeData): task = queue.sync { session.downloadTask(withResumeData: resumeData) } } return task } catch { throw AdaptError(error: error) } } } // MARK: Properties /// The request sent or to be sent to the server. open override var request: URLRequest? { if let request = super.request { return request } if let downloadable = originalTask as? Downloadable, case let .request(urlRequest) = downloadable { return urlRequest } return nil } /// The resume data of the underlying download task if available after a failure. open var resumeData: Data? { return downloadDelegate.resumeData } /// The progress of downloading the response data from the server for the request. open var progress: Progress { return downloadDelegate.progress } var downloadDelegate: DownloadTaskDelegate { return delegate as! DownloadTaskDelegate } // MARK: State /// Cancels the request. override open func cancel() { cancel(createResumeData: true) } /// Cancels the request. /// /// - parameter createResumeData: Determines whether resume data is created via the underlying download task or not. open func cancel(createResumeData: Bool) { if createResumeData { downloadDelegate.downloadTask.cancel { self.downloadDelegate.resumeData = $0 } } else { downloadDelegate.downloadTask.cancel() } NotificationCenter.default.post( name: Notification.Name.Task.DidCancel, object: self, userInfo: [Notification.Key.Task: task as Any] ) } // MARK: Progress /// Sets a closure to be called periodically during the lifecycle of the `Request` as data is read from the server. /// /// - parameter queue: The dispatch queue to execute the closure on. /// - parameter closure: The code to be executed periodically as data is read from the server. /// /// - returns: The request. @discardableResult open func downloadProgress(queue: DispatchQueue = DispatchQueue.main, closure: @escaping ProgressHandler) -> Self { downloadDelegate.progressHandler = (closure, queue) return self } // MARK: Destination /// Creates a download file destination closure which uses the default file manager to move the temporary file to a /// file URL in the first available directory with the specified search path directory and search path domain mask. /// /// - parameter directory: The search path directory. `.DocumentDirectory` by default. /// - parameter domain: The search path domain mask. `.UserDomainMask` by default. /// /// - returns: A download file destination closure. open class func suggestedDownloadDestination( for directory: FileManager.SearchPathDirectory = .documentDirectory, in domain: FileManager.SearchPathDomainMask = .userDomainMask) -> DownloadFileDestination { return { temporaryURL, response in let directoryURLs = FileManager.default.urls(for: directory, in: domain) if !directoryURLs.isEmpty { return (directoryURLs[0].appendingPathComponent(response.suggestedFilename!), []) } return (temporaryURL, []) } } } // MARK: - /// Specific type of `Request` that manages an underlying `URLSessionUploadTask`. open class UploadRequest: DataRequest { // MARK: Helper Types enum Uploadable: TaskConvertible { case data(Data, URLRequest) case file(URL, URLRequest) case stream(InputStream, URLRequest) func task(session: URLSession, adapter: RequestAdapter?, queue: DispatchQueue) throws -> URLSessionTask { do { let task: URLSessionTask switch self { case let .data(data, urlRequest): let urlRequest = try urlRequest.adapt(using: adapter) task = queue.sync { session.uploadTask(with: urlRequest, from: data) } case let .file(url, urlRequest): let urlRequest = try urlRequest.adapt(using: adapter) task = queue.sync { session.uploadTask(with: urlRequest, fromFile: url) } case let .stream(_, urlRequest): let urlRequest = try urlRequest.adapt(using: adapter) task = queue.sync { session.uploadTask(withStreamedRequest: urlRequest) } } return task } catch { throw AdaptError(error: error) } } } // MARK: Properties /// The request sent or to be sent to the server. open override var request: URLRequest? { if let request = super.request { return request } guard let uploadable = originalTask as? Uploadable else { return nil } switch uploadable { case .data(_, let urlRequest), .file(_, let urlRequest), .stream(_, let urlRequest): return urlRequest } } /// The progress of uploading the payload to the server for the upload request. open var uploadProgress: Progress { return uploadDelegate.uploadProgress } var uploadDelegate: UploadTaskDelegate { return delegate as! UploadTaskDelegate } // MARK: Upload Progress /// Sets a closure to be called periodically during the lifecycle of the `UploadRequest` as data is sent to /// the server. /// /// After the data is sent to the server, the `progress(queue:closure:)` APIs can be used to monitor the progress /// of data being read from the server. /// /// - parameter queue: The dispatch queue to execute the closure on. /// - parameter closure: The code to be executed periodically as data is sent to the server. /// /// - returns: The request. @discardableResult open func uploadProgress(queue: DispatchQueue = DispatchQueue.main, closure: @escaping ProgressHandler) -> Self { uploadDelegate.uploadProgressHandler = (closure, queue) return self } } // MARK: - #if !os(watchOS) /// Specific type of `Request` that manages an underlying `URLSessionStreamTask`. @available(iOS 9.0, macOS 10.11, tvOS 9.0, *) open class StreamRequest: Request { enum Streamable: TaskConvertible { case stream(hostName: String, port: Int) case netService(NetService) func task(session: URLSession, adapter: RequestAdapter?, queue: DispatchQueue) throws -> URLSessionTask { let task: URLSessionTask switch self { case let .stream(hostName, port): task = queue.sync { session.streamTask(withHostName: hostName, port: port) } case let .netService(netService): task = queue.sync { session.streamTask(with: netService) } } return task } } } #endif