// // Concurrency.swift // // Copyright (c) 2021 Alamofire Software Foundation (http://alamofire.org/) // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal // in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights // to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell // copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in // all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, // OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN // THE SOFTWARE. // #if compiler(>=5.6.0) && canImport(_Concurrency) import Foundation // MARK: - Request Event Streams @available(macOS 10.15, iOS 13, tvOS 13, watchOS 6, *) extension Request { /// Creates a `StreamOf` for the instance's upload progress. /// /// - Parameter bufferingPolicy: `BufferingPolicy` that determines the stream's buffering behavior.`.unbounded` by default. /// /// - Returns: The `StreamOf`. public func uploadProgress(bufferingPolicy: StreamOf.BufferingPolicy = .unbounded) -> StreamOf { stream(bufferingPolicy: bufferingPolicy) { [unowned self] continuation in uploadProgress(queue: .singleEventQueue) { progress in continuation.yield(progress) } } } /// Creates a `StreamOf` for the instance's download progress. /// /// - Parameter bufferingPolicy: `BufferingPolicy` that determines the stream's buffering behavior.`.unbounded` by default. /// /// - Returns: The `StreamOf`. public func downloadProgress(bufferingPolicy: StreamOf.BufferingPolicy = .unbounded) -> StreamOf { stream(bufferingPolicy: bufferingPolicy) { [unowned self] continuation in downloadProgress(queue: .singleEventQueue) { progress in continuation.yield(progress) } } } /// Creates a `StreamOf` for the `URLRequest`s produced for the instance. /// /// - Parameter bufferingPolicy: `BufferingPolicy` that determines the stream's buffering behavior.`.unbounded` by default. /// /// - Returns: The `StreamOf`. public func urlRequests(bufferingPolicy: StreamOf.BufferingPolicy = .unbounded) -> StreamOf { stream(bufferingPolicy: bufferingPolicy) { [unowned self] continuation in onURLRequestCreation(on: .singleEventQueue) { request in continuation.yield(request) } } } /// Creates a `StreamOf` for the `URLSessionTask`s produced for the instance. /// /// - Parameter bufferingPolicy: `BufferingPolicy` that determines the stream's buffering behavior.`.unbounded` by default. /// /// - Returns: The `StreamOf`. public func urlSessionTasks(bufferingPolicy: StreamOf.BufferingPolicy = .unbounded) -> StreamOf { stream(bufferingPolicy: bufferingPolicy) { [unowned self] continuation in onURLSessionTaskCreation(on: .singleEventQueue) { task in continuation.yield(task) } } } /// Creates a `StreamOf` for the cURL descriptions produced for the instance. /// /// - Parameter bufferingPolicy: `BufferingPolicy` that determines the stream's buffering behavior.`.unbounded` by default. /// /// - Returns: The `StreamOf`. public func cURLDescriptions(bufferingPolicy: StreamOf.BufferingPolicy = .unbounded) -> StreamOf { stream(bufferingPolicy: bufferingPolicy) { [unowned self] continuation in cURLDescription(on: .singleEventQueue) { description in continuation.yield(description) } } } private func stream(of type: T.Type = T.self, bufferingPolicy: StreamOf.BufferingPolicy = .unbounded, yielder: @escaping (StreamOf.Continuation) -> Void) -> StreamOf { StreamOf(bufferingPolicy: bufferingPolicy) { [unowned self] continuation in yielder(continuation) // Must come after serializers run in order to catch retry progress. onFinish { continuation.finish() } } } } // MARK: - DataTask /// Value used to `await` a `DataResponse` and associated values. @available(macOS 10.15, iOS 13, tvOS 13, watchOS 6, *) public struct DataTask { /// `DataResponse` produced by the `DataRequest` and its response handler. public var response: DataResponse { get async { if shouldAutomaticallyCancel { return await withTaskCancellationHandler { await task.value } onCancel: { cancel() } } else { return await task.value } } } /// `Result` of any response serialization performed for the `response`. public var result: Result { get async { await response.result } } /// `Value` returned by the `response`. public var value: Value { get async throws { try await result.get() } } private let request: DataRequest private let task: Task, Never> private let shouldAutomaticallyCancel: Bool fileprivate init(request: DataRequest, task: Task, Never>, shouldAutomaticallyCancel: Bool) { self.request = request self.task = task self.shouldAutomaticallyCancel = shouldAutomaticallyCancel } /// Cancel the underlying `DataRequest` and `Task`. public func cancel() { task.cancel() } /// Resume the underlying `DataRequest`. public func resume() { request.resume() } /// Suspend the underlying `DataRequest`. public func suspend() { request.suspend() } } @available(macOS 10.15, iOS 13, tvOS 13, watchOS 6, *) extension DataRequest { /// Creates a `DataTask` to `await` a `Data` value. /// /// - Parameters: /// - shouldAutomaticallyCancel: `Bool` determining whether or not the request should be cancelled when the /// enclosing async context is cancelled. Only applies to `DataTask`'s async /// properties. `false` by default. /// - dataPreprocessor: `DataPreprocessor` which processes the received `Data` before completion. /// - emptyResponseCodes: HTTP response codes for which empty responses are allowed. `[204, 205]` by default. /// - emptyRequestMethods: `HTTPMethod`s for which empty responses are always valid. `[.head]` by default. /// /// - Returns: The `DataTask`. public func serializingData(automaticallyCancelling shouldAutomaticallyCancel: Bool = false, dataPreprocessor: DataPreprocessor = DataResponseSerializer.defaultDataPreprocessor, emptyResponseCodes: Set = DataResponseSerializer.defaultEmptyResponseCodes, emptyRequestMethods: Set = DataResponseSerializer.defaultEmptyRequestMethods) -> DataTask { serializingResponse(using: DataResponseSerializer(dataPreprocessor: dataPreprocessor, emptyResponseCodes: emptyResponseCodes, emptyRequestMethods: emptyRequestMethods), automaticallyCancelling: shouldAutomaticallyCancel) } /// Creates a `DataTask` to `await` serialization of a `Decodable` value. /// /// - Parameters: /// - type: `Decodable` type to decode from response data. /// - shouldAutomaticallyCancel: `Bool` determining whether or not the request should be cancelled when the /// enclosing async context is cancelled. Only applies to `DataTask`'s async /// properties. `false` by default. /// - dataPreprocessor: `DataPreprocessor` which processes the received `Data` before calling the serializer. /// `PassthroughPreprocessor()` by default. /// - decoder: `DataDecoder` to use to decode the response. `JSONDecoder()` by default. /// - emptyResponseCodes: HTTP status codes for which empty responses are always valid. `[204, 205]` by default. /// - emptyRequestMethods: `HTTPMethod`s for which empty responses are always valid. `[.head]` by default. /// /// - Returns: The `DataTask`. public func serializingDecodable(_ type: Value.Type = Value.self, automaticallyCancelling shouldAutomaticallyCancel: Bool = false, dataPreprocessor: DataPreprocessor = DecodableResponseSerializer.defaultDataPreprocessor, decoder: DataDecoder = JSONDecoder(), emptyResponseCodes: Set = DecodableResponseSerializer.defaultEmptyResponseCodes, emptyRequestMethods: Set = DecodableResponseSerializer.defaultEmptyRequestMethods) -> DataTask { serializingResponse(using: DecodableResponseSerializer(dataPreprocessor: dataPreprocessor, decoder: decoder, emptyResponseCodes: emptyResponseCodes, emptyRequestMethods: emptyRequestMethods), automaticallyCancelling: shouldAutomaticallyCancel) } /// Creates a `DataTask` to `await` serialization of a `String` value. /// /// - Parameters: /// - shouldAutomaticallyCancel: `Bool` determining whether or not the request should be cancelled when the /// enclosing async context is cancelled. Only applies to `DataTask`'s async /// properties. `false` by default. /// - dataPreprocessor: `DataPreprocessor` which processes the received `Data` before calling the serializer. /// `PassthroughPreprocessor()` by default. /// - encoding: `String.Encoding` to use during serialization. Defaults to `nil`, in which case /// the encoding will be determined from the server response, falling back to the /// default HTTP character set, `ISO-8859-1`. /// - emptyResponseCodes: HTTP status codes for which empty responses are always valid. `[204, 205]` by default. /// - emptyRequestMethods: `HTTPMethod`s for which empty responses are always valid. `[.head]` by default. /// /// - Returns: The `DataTask`. public func serializingString(automaticallyCancelling shouldAutomaticallyCancel: Bool = false, dataPreprocessor: DataPreprocessor = StringResponseSerializer.defaultDataPreprocessor, encoding: String.Encoding? = nil, emptyResponseCodes: Set = StringResponseSerializer.defaultEmptyResponseCodes, emptyRequestMethods: Set = StringResponseSerializer.defaultEmptyRequestMethods) -> DataTask { serializingResponse(using: StringResponseSerializer(dataPreprocessor: dataPreprocessor, encoding: encoding, emptyResponseCodes: emptyResponseCodes, emptyRequestMethods: emptyRequestMethods), automaticallyCancelling: shouldAutomaticallyCancel) } /// Creates a `DataTask` to `await` serialization using the provided `ResponseSerializer` instance. /// /// - Parameters: /// - serializer: `ResponseSerializer` responsible for serializing the request, response, and data. /// - shouldAutomaticallyCancel: `Bool` determining whether or not the request should be cancelled when the /// enclosing async context is cancelled. Only applies to `DataTask`'s async /// properties. `false` by default. /// /// - Returns: The `DataTask`. public func serializingResponse(using serializer: Serializer, automaticallyCancelling shouldAutomaticallyCancel: Bool = false) -> DataTask { dataTask(automaticallyCancelling: shouldAutomaticallyCancel) { self.response(queue: .singleEventQueue, responseSerializer: serializer, completionHandler: $0) } } /// Creates a `DataTask` to `await` serialization using the provided `DataResponseSerializerProtocol` instance. /// /// - Parameters: /// - serializer: `DataResponseSerializerProtocol` responsible for serializing the request, /// response, and data. /// - shouldAutomaticallyCancel: `Bool` determining whether or not the request should be cancelled when the /// enclosing async context is cancelled. Only applies to `DataTask`'s async /// properties. `false` by default. /// /// - Returns: The `DataTask`. public func serializingResponse(using serializer: Serializer, automaticallyCancelling shouldAutomaticallyCancel: Bool = false) -> DataTask { dataTask(automaticallyCancelling: shouldAutomaticallyCancel) { self.response(queue: .singleEventQueue, responseSerializer: serializer, completionHandler: $0) } } private func dataTask(automaticallyCancelling shouldAutomaticallyCancel: Bool, forResponse onResponse: @escaping (@escaping (DataResponse) -> Void) -> Void) -> DataTask { let task = Task { await withTaskCancellationHandler { await withCheckedContinuation { continuation in onResponse { continuation.resume(returning: $0) } } } onCancel: { self.cancel() } } return DataTask(request: self, task: task, shouldAutomaticallyCancel: shouldAutomaticallyCancel) } } // MARK: - DownloadTask /// Value used to `await` a `DownloadResponse` and associated values. @available(macOS 10.15, iOS 13, tvOS 13, watchOS 6, *) public struct DownloadTask { /// `DownloadResponse` produced by the `DownloadRequest` and its response handler. public var response: DownloadResponse { get async { if shouldAutomaticallyCancel { return await withTaskCancellationHandler { await task.value } onCancel: { cancel() } } else { return await task.value } } } /// `Result` of any response serialization performed for the `response`. public var result: Result { get async { await response.result } } /// `Value` returned by the `response`. public var value: Value { get async throws { try await result.get() } } private let task: Task, Never> private let request: DownloadRequest private let shouldAutomaticallyCancel: Bool fileprivate init(request: DownloadRequest, task: Task, Never>, shouldAutomaticallyCancel: Bool) { self.request = request self.task = task self.shouldAutomaticallyCancel = shouldAutomaticallyCancel } /// Cancel the underlying `DownloadRequest` and `Task`. public func cancel() { task.cancel() } /// Resume the underlying `DownloadRequest`. public func resume() { request.resume() } /// Suspend the underlying `DownloadRequest`. public func suspend() { request.suspend() } } @available(macOS 10.15, iOS 13, tvOS 13, watchOS 6, *) extension DownloadRequest { /// Creates a `DownloadTask` to `await` a `Data` value. /// /// - Parameters: /// - shouldAutomaticallyCancel: `Bool` determining whether or not the request should be cancelled when the /// enclosing async context is cancelled. Only applies to `DownloadTask`'s async /// properties. `false` by default. /// - dataPreprocessor: `DataPreprocessor` which processes the received `Data` before completion. /// - emptyResponseCodes: HTTP response codes for which empty responses are allowed. `[204, 205]` by default. /// - emptyRequestMethods: `HTTPMethod`s for which empty responses are always valid. `[.head]` by default. /// /// - Returns: The `DownloadTask`. public func serializingData(automaticallyCancelling shouldAutomaticallyCancel: Bool = false, dataPreprocessor: DataPreprocessor = DataResponseSerializer.defaultDataPreprocessor, emptyResponseCodes: Set = DataResponseSerializer.defaultEmptyResponseCodes, emptyRequestMethods: Set = DataResponseSerializer.defaultEmptyRequestMethods) -> DownloadTask { serializingDownload(using: DataResponseSerializer(dataPreprocessor: dataPreprocessor, emptyResponseCodes: emptyResponseCodes, emptyRequestMethods: emptyRequestMethods), automaticallyCancelling: shouldAutomaticallyCancel) } /// Creates a `DownloadTask` to `await` serialization of a `Decodable` value. /// /// - Note: This serializer reads the entire response into memory before parsing. /// /// - Parameters: /// - type: `Decodable` type to decode from response data. /// - shouldAutomaticallyCancel: `Bool` determining whether or not the request should be cancelled when the /// enclosing async context is cancelled. Only applies to `DownloadTask`'s async /// properties. `false` by default. /// - dataPreprocessor: `DataPreprocessor` which processes the received `Data` before calling the serializer. /// `PassthroughPreprocessor()` by default. /// - decoder: `DataDecoder` to use to decode the response. `JSONDecoder()` by default. /// - emptyResponseCodes: HTTP status codes for which empty responses are always valid. `[204, 205]` by default. /// - emptyRequestMethods: `HTTPMethod`s for which empty responses are always valid. `[.head]` by default. /// /// - Returns: The `DownloadTask`. public func serializingDecodable(_ type: Value.Type = Value.self, automaticallyCancelling shouldAutomaticallyCancel: Bool = false, dataPreprocessor: DataPreprocessor = DecodableResponseSerializer.defaultDataPreprocessor, decoder: DataDecoder = JSONDecoder(), emptyResponseCodes: Set = DecodableResponseSerializer.defaultEmptyResponseCodes, emptyRequestMethods: Set = DecodableResponseSerializer.defaultEmptyRequestMethods) -> DownloadTask { serializingDownload(using: DecodableResponseSerializer(dataPreprocessor: dataPreprocessor, decoder: decoder, emptyResponseCodes: emptyResponseCodes, emptyRequestMethods: emptyRequestMethods), automaticallyCancelling: shouldAutomaticallyCancel) } /// Creates a `DownloadTask` to `await` serialization of the downloaded file's `URL` on disk. /// /// - Parameters: /// - shouldAutomaticallyCancel: `Bool` determining whether or not the request should be cancelled when the /// enclosing async context is cancelled. Only applies to `DownloadTask`'s async /// properties. `false` by default. /// /// - Returns: The `DownloadTask`. public func serializingDownloadedFileURL(automaticallyCancelling shouldAutomaticallyCancel: Bool = false) -> DownloadTask { serializingDownload(using: URLResponseSerializer(), automaticallyCancelling: shouldAutomaticallyCancel) } /// Creates a `DownloadTask` to `await` serialization of a `String` value. /// /// - Parameters: /// - shouldAutomaticallyCancel: `Bool` determining whether or not the request should be cancelled when the /// enclosing async context is cancelled. Only applies to `DownloadTask`'s async /// properties. `false` by default. /// - dataPreprocessor: `DataPreprocessor` which processes the received `Data` before calling the /// serializer. `PassthroughPreprocessor()` by default. /// - encoding: `String.Encoding` to use during serialization. Defaults to `nil`, in which case /// the encoding will be determined from the server response, falling back to the /// default HTTP character set, `ISO-8859-1`. /// - emptyResponseCodes: HTTP status codes for which empty responses are always valid. `[204, 205]` by default. /// - emptyRequestMethods: `HTTPMethod`s for which empty responses are always valid. `[.head]` by default. /// /// - Returns: The `DownloadTask`. public func serializingString(automaticallyCancelling shouldAutomaticallyCancel: Bool = false, dataPreprocessor: DataPreprocessor = StringResponseSerializer.defaultDataPreprocessor, encoding: String.Encoding? = nil, emptyResponseCodes: Set = StringResponseSerializer.defaultEmptyResponseCodes, emptyRequestMethods: Set = StringResponseSerializer.defaultEmptyRequestMethods) -> DownloadTask { serializingDownload(using: StringResponseSerializer(dataPreprocessor: dataPreprocessor, encoding: encoding, emptyResponseCodes: emptyResponseCodes, emptyRequestMethods: emptyRequestMethods), automaticallyCancelling: shouldAutomaticallyCancel) } /// Creates a `DownloadTask` to `await` serialization using the provided `ResponseSerializer` instance. /// /// - Parameters: /// - serializer: `ResponseSerializer` responsible for serializing the request, response, and data. /// - shouldAutomaticallyCancel: `Bool` determining whether or not the request should be cancelled when the /// enclosing async context is cancelled. Only applies to `DownloadTask`'s async /// properties. `false` by default. /// /// - Returns: The `DownloadTask`. public func serializingDownload(using serializer: Serializer, automaticallyCancelling shouldAutomaticallyCancel: Bool = false) -> DownloadTask { downloadTask(automaticallyCancelling: shouldAutomaticallyCancel) { self.response(queue: .singleEventQueue, responseSerializer: serializer, completionHandler: $0) } } /// Creates a `DownloadTask` to `await` serialization using the provided `DownloadResponseSerializerProtocol` /// instance. /// /// - Parameters: /// - serializer: `DownloadResponseSerializerProtocol` responsible for serializing the request, /// response, and data. /// - shouldAutomaticallyCancel: `Bool` determining whether or not the request should be cancelled when the /// enclosing async context is cancelled. Only applies to `DownloadTask`'s async /// properties. `false` by default. /// /// - Returns: The `DownloadTask`. public func serializingDownload(using serializer: Serializer, automaticallyCancelling shouldAutomaticallyCancel: Bool = false) -> DownloadTask { downloadTask(automaticallyCancelling: shouldAutomaticallyCancel) { self.response(queue: .singleEventQueue, responseSerializer: serializer, completionHandler: $0) } } private func downloadTask(automaticallyCancelling shouldAutomaticallyCancel: Bool, forResponse onResponse: @escaping (@escaping (DownloadResponse) -> Void) -> Void) -> DownloadTask { let task = Task { await withTaskCancellationHandler { await withCheckedContinuation { continuation in onResponse { continuation.resume(returning: $0) } } } onCancel: { self.cancel() } } return DownloadTask(request: self, task: task, shouldAutomaticallyCancel: shouldAutomaticallyCancel) } } // MARK: - DataStreamTask @available(macOS 10.15, iOS 13, tvOS 13, watchOS 6, *) public struct DataStreamTask { // Type of created streams. public typealias Stream = StreamOf> private let request: DataStreamRequest fileprivate init(request: DataStreamRequest) { self.request = request } /// Creates a `Stream` of `Data` values from the underlying `DataStreamRequest`. /// /// - Parameters: /// - shouldAutomaticallyCancel: `Bool` indicating whether the underlying `DataStreamRequest` should be canceled /// which observation of the stream stops. `true` by default. /// - bufferingPolicy: ` BufferingPolicy` that determines the stream's buffering behavior.`.unbounded` by default. /// /// - Returns: The `Stream`. public func streamingData(automaticallyCancelling shouldAutomaticallyCancel: Bool = true, bufferingPolicy: Stream.BufferingPolicy = .unbounded) -> Stream { createStream(automaticallyCancelling: shouldAutomaticallyCancel, bufferingPolicy: bufferingPolicy) { onStream in request.responseStream(on: .streamCompletionQueue(forRequestID: request.id), stream: onStream) } } /// Creates a `Stream` of `UTF-8` `String`s from the underlying `DataStreamRequest`. /// /// - Parameters: /// - shouldAutomaticallyCancel: `Bool` indicating whether the underlying `DataStreamRequest` should be canceled /// which observation of the stream stops. `true` by default. /// - bufferingPolicy: ` BufferingPolicy` that determines the stream's buffering behavior.`.unbounded` by default. /// - Returns: public func streamingStrings(automaticallyCancelling shouldAutomaticallyCancel: Bool = true, bufferingPolicy: Stream.BufferingPolicy = .unbounded) -> Stream { createStream(automaticallyCancelling: shouldAutomaticallyCancel, bufferingPolicy: bufferingPolicy) { onStream in request.responseStreamString(on: .streamCompletionQueue(forRequestID: request.id), stream: onStream) } } /// Creates a `Stream` of `Decodable` values from the underlying `DataStreamRequest`. /// /// - Parameters: /// - type: `Decodable` type to be serialized from stream payloads. /// - shouldAutomaticallyCancel: `Bool` indicating whether the underlying `DataStreamRequest` should be canceled /// which observation of the stream stops. `true` by default. /// - bufferingPolicy: `BufferingPolicy` that determines the stream's buffering behavior.`.unbounded` by default. /// /// - Returns: The `Stream`. public func streamingDecodables(_ type: T.Type = T.self, automaticallyCancelling shouldAutomaticallyCancel: Bool = true, bufferingPolicy: Stream.BufferingPolicy = .unbounded) -> Stream where T: Decodable { streamingResponses(serializedUsing: DecodableStreamSerializer(), automaticallyCancelling: shouldAutomaticallyCancel, bufferingPolicy: bufferingPolicy) } /// Creates a `Stream` of values using the provided `DataStreamSerializer` from the underlying `DataStreamRequest`. /// /// - Parameters: /// - serializer: `DataStreamSerializer` to use to serialize incoming `Data`. /// - shouldAutomaticallyCancel: `Bool` indicating whether the underlying `DataStreamRequest` should be canceled /// which observation of the stream stops. `true` by default. /// - bufferingPolicy: `BufferingPolicy` that determines the stream's buffering behavior.`.unbounded` by default. /// /// - Returns: The `Stream`. public func streamingResponses(serializedUsing serializer: Serializer, automaticallyCancelling shouldAutomaticallyCancel: Bool = true, bufferingPolicy: Stream.BufferingPolicy = .unbounded) -> Stream { createStream(automaticallyCancelling: shouldAutomaticallyCancel, bufferingPolicy: bufferingPolicy) { onStream in request.responseStream(using: serializer, on: .streamCompletionQueue(forRequestID: request.id), stream: onStream) } } private func createStream(automaticallyCancelling shouldAutomaticallyCancel: Bool = true, bufferingPolicy: Stream.BufferingPolicy = .unbounded, forResponse onResponse: @escaping (@escaping (DataStreamRequest.Stream) -> Void) -> Void) -> Stream { StreamOf(bufferingPolicy: bufferingPolicy) { guard shouldAutomaticallyCancel, request.isInitialized || request.isResumed || request.isSuspended else { return } cancel() } builder: { continuation in onResponse { stream in continuation.yield(stream) if case .complete = stream.event { continuation.finish() } } } } /// Cancel the underlying `DataStreamRequest`. public func cancel() { request.cancel() } /// Resume the underlying `DataStreamRequest`. public func resume() { request.resume() } /// Suspend the underlying `DataStreamRequest`. public func suspend() { request.suspend() } } @available(macOS 10.15, iOS 13, tvOS 13, watchOS 6, *) extension DataStreamRequest { /// Creates a `DataStreamTask` used to `await` streams of serialized values. /// /// - Returns: The `DataStreamTask`. public func streamTask() -> DataStreamTask { DataStreamTask(request: self) } } extension DispatchQueue { fileprivate static let singleEventQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "org.alamofire.concurrencySingleEventQueue", attributes: .concurrent) fileprivate static func streamCompletionQueue(forRequestID id: UUID) -> DispatchQueue { DispatchQueue(label: "org.alamofire.concurrencyStreamCompletionQueue-\(id)", target: .singleEventQueue) } } /// An asynchronous sequence generated from an underlying `AsyncStream`. Only produced by Alamofire. @available(macOS 10.15, iOS 13, tvOS 13, watchOS 6, *) public struct StreamOf: AsyncSequence { public typealias AsyncIterator = Iterator public typealias BufferingPolicy = AsyncStream.Continuation.BufferingPolicy fileprivate typealias Continuation = AsyncStream.Continuation private let bufferingPolicy: BufferingPolicy private let onTermination: (() -> Void)? private let builder: (Continuation) -> Void fileprivate init(bufferingPolicy: BufferingPolicy = .unbounded, onTermination: (() -> Void)? = nil, builder: @escaping (Continuation) -> Void) { self.bufferingPolicy = bufferingPolicy self.onTermination = onTermination self.builder = builder } public func makeAsyncIterator() -> Iterator { var continuation: AsyncStream.Continuation? let stream = AsyncStream(bufferingPolicy: bufferingPolicy) { innerContinuation in continuation = innerContinuation builder(innerContinuation) } return Iterator(iterator: stream.makeAsyncIterator()) { continuation?.finish() onTermination?() } } public struct Iterator: AsyncIteratorProtocol { private final class Token { private let onDeinit: () -> Void init(onDeinit: @escaping () -> Void) { self.onDeinit = onDeinit } deinit { onDeinit() } } private var iterator: AsyncStream.AsyncIterator private let token: Token init(iterator: AsyncStream.AsyncIterator, onCancellation: @escaping () -> Void) { self.iterator = iterator token = Token(onDeinit: onCancellation) } public mutating func next() async -> Element? { await iterator.next() } } } #endif